Tuesday 26 October 2010

What I would have done differently

I think I would have done many things differently in this project. If i had time to do it all again I would have planned everything out much better, giving us an easier, clearer schedule to work by. I would have also filmed much more footage in the dialogue scenes and all the dancing and corridor scenes as when I told some members of my group that we needed to re-film some parts and they didn't come in on the days we had left to re-film before it was vital that we had to start editing.

Comparing to real genres

In High School Musical they use the hall space in the corridors for they songs and dances to show more of the mise-en-scene, and to make it more obvious that it is in a school. We have used the same technique in our webisode.

Using steps. In Glee they use the steps of their mini stage in there rehearsal space in their dance routine, so have we in our webisode. We have also go costumes just like they do here aswell.

However, one feature that i haven't found in a teen dance/musical genre is the casting video's. Although this hasn't been shown in anything else of the same genre i think it works well, and our target audience of the Glee and HSM fans will be so familiarised with this type of genre that we have room to mix things about and add new elements to it.

Friday 22 October 2010

Focus Group

This is our focus group that Yas decided that she was going to organise herself, while I got on with some paper work: Evidence of Safe Work and Practices and Consideration of Health and Safety Requirements; and Emma wrote up the rest of the risk assessments and Hannah wrote up what resources we used. There was meant to be a group of 3-5 but unfortunately Yas could only get Heidi and Penny. Yas filmed this in our room B102 on tuesday 19th. Below if the script.

HotFlush - HF Penny - P Heidi - H

HF: Did you watch all of it?

H: Yeah

HF: Okay… Got some question to ask you now. Do you have time to answer them?

P: Yeah!

HF: What genre do you think this webisode fits into?

P: ermmmm (laughs)

H: I don’t know (laughs) what is it?

P: I don’t know? what is it?

HF: (laughs) I don’t know, I mean, like if that was on TV what other shows it it like?

H: I don’t know… it’s like a teen drama.

HF: Would you consider it the same as Fame or Glee or any films like that?

H: Oh Yeah! that sort of thing…

P: Ohhhh! (understanding)

HF: Okay, so was it the right length? Was it too long or too short?

P: I thought it was just right.

H: Yeah, just right.

HF: What could you tell about any of the characters? Was there certain things?

H: Stereotypes.

HF: What would you like to happen next?

P: Ermmm, that they look after hannah, and then she becomes part of their group, and then it all gets resolved.

HF: What about you? (to Heidi).

H: The gossip gets out, and a big bitch fight (laughs).

HF: Would you watch the next episode?

P& H: Yeah (nodding).

HF: What was one good point about it?

P: I thought it was structured quite well, like the sequence of events.

H: I like how you got the names up, with the pictures around it.

P: Yeah that was good!

HF: And what was a bad point? You can be offensive, we already know it’s not the best work, according to feedback (laughs)

P: I couldn’t hear it; the sound went really loud all of a sudden, then really quiet.

H: Yeah the sound wasn’t balanced.

HF: Well thank you for being our focus group.

P: That’s alright!

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Audience Feedback

Above is some of the audience research, comments which people have left on our video on vimeo, from this you can see that some of the best features in our webisode is the performance of the dance, and the interview scenes. They also liked the photoshop freeze screens, however, many of them thought that the acting didn't flow quite as well as the dance scenes and that it was more like a music video than a webisode.

Above is the statistics of the views of our video, as you can see on the 22nd of october we have had 52 views, 50 of those have been in the UK and 1 in Chile, and another in an unknown place. However we have had loadings of the video in the US, Germany and South Korea, giving the total number of loads of 362.

Monday 18 October 2010

Rough cut to Final cut

Rough-Cut>Final Cut

You can see by these two shots that we have finished our webisode differently; we have put in some end credits to give the webisode a better ending, and more of a close.

You can see here that the walking in, freeze frames, have helped break up the dance scenes and corridor scenes.

We have given our webisode a title credit, so people know what it is they are watching, although the title is over half way in the webisode, it's been put in the right place - after the song and before the dialogue.

You can see here how the casting interview clips have helped disguise any parts of the dance what don't flow well.

Above, you can see how we have added the interview clips to stop any repetition in the webisode.

Again, here is an example of how the interview clips have made the video look my cleaner, and less messy in the dancing scenes.

Stills of some of the new footage in the final cut:

Yas/ Imogen



We decided to put in some interview type casting videos to break up our dance scenes and to make it look less like just a music video. I think these have helped it fit more into our genre. These also introduce the characters, so the audience get a feel of what each character is like.

Freeze Frames:

We put some freeze frames of our characters in to introduce the characters at an early stage. This also help break up the dance scenes some more.

Thursday 14 October 2010


Today while emma and hannah were editing the footage and Yas was doing the credits i started the paper work, i wrote up our timetable - when we were all in and when we used which location, or when we were in B102 and also wrote up our location scouting reports on proper sheets.

Making our Hot Flush costumes

Above are a few photo's of us making our hotflush costumes. We stencilled our logo onto the front and back and then cut the hoodies which we bought from Primark into the shape that we wanted them to be, to individualise so you could tell our characters apart easily.


Imogen: Very emotional, and likes to be noticed and stand out, which is why her parents put her on stage - for her time to shine. She's all round talented and is very loyal to her friends.

Frankie: The Bitch - She's a very egotistical character, and doesn't much care about anyone else except herself. She likes to think of herself as popular, though people tend to dislike her more than like her.

Flo: 'The dumb one' - As Flo's mother is the principle of The Academy Flo has managed to stay in the college, after having to be kept behind a year, as her grades haven't been up to the college's standards. Although Flo isn't academically gifted, she is very talented in all aspects of the performing arts.

Stephanie: The new girl - Quite shy and nervous, especially approaching Hot Flush. Although, she has a secret hidden talent that will surprise many.


Rehearsing in the Hall:

Rehearsing in D19:

Above is photo's Hannah took of us rehearsing our dance. We had to book the Hall out in advance to rehearse in. Though when this wasn't possible we had to find another space to practice in - luckily we found a classroom which was free and wasn't being used for any classes. We spent quite a lot of time rehearsing the dance to make sure that it was up to standard for when we filmed it. Hannah helped us a lot to make sure that we were in time, as we had a lot of issues where Yas was doing one dance move, or she was timing the moves differently and Emma and I weren't. But eventually we were ready to film.